What is shamanic healing?
Indeed Shamanism is not easy to explain with few words.
I will try to express it as simply as possible, from my understanding after practicing and experimenting to integrate Shamanic healing and Reiki healing.
Reiki is one of the names of life energy. We have always been able to absorb this energy to nourish ourselves on all physical, mental, and spiritual levels, but living in this modern world we tend to forget its importance. A Reiki healer is a person who learns to access the energy and transmit it to another person/being or an incident to let healing happen in an egoless way, for Reiki has its own intelligence to heal according to nature’s consciousness. There’s no time and space limited to how it exists and flows.
The shamanic healing approach became popular again in the Western world for a few decades for its amazing non-deniable result; medical and neuroscience specialists cannot explain the result. They called it miracles when the mainstream ways are not able to do anything. The physical condition of our body is a reflection of our inner world.
Before modern civilization became the source of mainstream solutions. Shamanism contains knowledge from the oldest ways of healing wisdom, practiced by our ancestors all over the world. It is about harmonizing our energy with nature and universal law, on mental, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual levels.
The power of both reiki and shamanism comes from our inherited power of self-healing. The key is to focus on the strong willingness, clear intention, and trust that we are one with the divine.
In the healing process, I see Reiki as instant medicine and a shamanic approach as a long-term medicine because it looks into the cause.
How do I see my role as a healer?
As a shamanic healer, I’m here to hold a safe space to assist and to support our inherited self-healing to take place.
With reiki energy, creative visualization, and drum beats, I will guide you to enter a meditative deep relaxing state of specific brainwaves. This deep relaxation state will heighten your intuition and increase your bodily sensation. You notice the energetical aspect of your existence,
and once you feel that you are more than your physical body, you will know there’s a non-ordinary reality side by side with our everyday life reality. I will assist you step by step in a mild shamanic trance state to consciously resolve blockages on the energetical aspect, and thus the improved influence will reflect on our material aspects.
What is your role in this healing process? ( except the healing for animals)
“All changes come from within”
Healing starts to take place from the time you decide to book a session because you intensify your intention to make changes.
Please remember that your commitment and determination to make changes are crucial in lasting healing and transformation. There will be tasks before and after our session I suggest you do, to prepare yourself mentally and physically.